63 FIABCI World Congress

Si è concluso a St. Pietroburgo, Russia, il sessantatreesimo congresso mondiale di FIABCI, la più grande federazione internazionale immobiliare di cui IsIVI è principal member. In tale occasione, si è tenuto anche la riunione del World Congress of Experts presieduto da Terry Dunkin past president dell'Appraisal Institute.Gli interventi del Forum degli Experts sono disponibili su Youtube (video).L'economista Hernando de Soto ha aperto i lavori del congresso (video).Judy Shenefield è entrata in carica come nuovo presidente mondiale di FIABCI. Nel comunicato stampa ufficiale si legge quanto segue.As World President, her primary goals will be to strengthen FIABCI’s leadership position by:

  • Enhancing Member Services & Tools: Implementing programs, valuable tools and efficient services providing FIABCI members with the ability to build, network and transact business more effectively on a global basis.
  • Building World Councils: The World Councils are the new structure for FIABCI focused on specific categories of real estate professions. Shenefield’s commitment will be to support FIABCI’S World Councils to enable them to grow and meet the diverse needs of its membership.
  • Strengthen Use of Effective Technology Solutions: Shenefield will work to enhance FIABCI’s present technology so members will be able to utilize technology for resources, tools and support in a more efficient manner.
  • Supporting Local Chapters: Supporting local chapters and increasing chapter tools, members services and benefits, ensuring that they are more efficient, vital and beneficial to the membership.
  • Education: To provide greater value for membership, a major initiative will be to bring FIABCI’s educational platform online to provide more educational resources and opportunities to members making the prestigious FIREC designation more accessible for the membership.
  • Building Bridges: Shenefield is committed to developing partnerships and strengthening relationships with other organizations furthering FIABCI’s positioning as a global leader.
  • Young Members: Shenefield is committed to FIABCI’s younger generation – those entering the field through its Scholarship Foundation and those who are already in the field through FIABCI’s Young Members’ Committee -- to ensure access to more resources, an ability to effectively network and a stronger voice within the Federation.
  • “I am committed to enhancing FIABCI’s tangible member services, including the launch of a premier online education platform, and strengthening our World Councils,” explains Shenefield. “By working together, we can enhance FIABCI’s leadership position and make a significant contribution to the global real estate community,” she continued.


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