articles in the TEGOVA Journal written by Julia Barrasa Shaw and Luke Brucato

ISIVI is excited to share the latests articles published in the TEGOVA Journal written by Julia Barrasa MRICS rv REV Shaw, Member of the Board of AEVIU Asociación Española Valoración Inmobiliaria and TEGOVA EVSB Board Member and Luke Brucato, President of ISIVI.

In the first article, Julia highlights the value of education throughout the European valuation community, especially in the current evolving context of relating energy performance to property value. As she states, “ Valuers will need the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain the cost of renovation to the required EPC class which in turn requires proficiency in construction cost calculation.”

As education is the basis for professional growth, in the following article Luke illustrates how REV recognition is the tool with which valuers can distinguish themselves on the market. Luke writes that “ REV is a future-proof way to elevate the competence of the entire European network of REV valuers thanks to its direct connection to EVS which evolves in lock-step with EU banking regulation.”

You can read the full Journal here


34th Baltic Valuation Conference 2024 - Vilnius, lathuania


Seminario: “Sviluppo sostenibile a Basicò: visioni e strategie della New Urban Agenda” - venerdì 14 giugno 2024, BASICO’ (ME)