Baltic Valuation Conference 2020

The Baltic Valuation Conference is a non-formal meeting of valuers of countries around the Baltic Sea.

It does not only offer an informative exchange of experience and methods, but provides also personal contact to colleagues in other countries.

The conference is driven by individual effort and interest – keep it going!

Due to restrictions because of the Corona virus and to avoid any risk of harm for the participants the organizing team first decided to postpone the conference till late autumn and after again considering pros and cons to perform the conference as a virtual one.

Please spread the news and invite your colleagues to discover this special event!

The conference 2020 will be held via Zoom on November 19th and 20th, each time from 2 pm until 5 pm.

The topics planned are “Valuation of an apartment with comparison method” (data given on beforehand to make approaches comparable) and “Rights and burdens on real estate”.

As a consquence of the pandemic a third topic has been added which is “Pandemic-caused influences and impact on the real estate market in your country. Are there differences in the submarkets like retail, office, multi- or single-family houses apartments, agriculture/forests etc.?”

Please find detailed information about schedule and the registration form.



TEGOVA lancia gli Standard europei di valutazione (EVS) 2020, sviluppati di pari passo con l’ordinamento giuridico e le politiche dell’UE


Giornata Nazionale della Casa – MILANO, GIOVEDÌ 1 OTTOBRE 2020 9.30 – 18.30