EU Economic Governance – European Semester 2014 Real Estate Results

The Semester ends with the Commission’s recommendations to each member state as approved or amended by Council. The TEGoVA Secretariat has isolated the real estate recommendations and presented them in the table below.This year, we no longer distinguish between Eurozone and other states. All member states except the UK have signed up to the Fiscal Pact and analysis of the UK commentary shows that the UK, too, is ‘playing the game’.The work below is an extraction and isolation of real estate concerns from a larger picture that encompasses concerns like banking, social security, health, labour market, education and administrative reform, and corruption.Three important new events:- Major successful reform of the Spanish housing market- The Commission considers its work at ending 100 years of extreme Portuguese rent control to be complete – at least on the statute books. Now it wants to set up a monitoring system to see if it’s actually working. TEGoVA and several of its members working in coalition with EHHA (historic houses) EPF, ELO (rural landowowners) and UIPI is deeply involved in this with Commission DG Economic and Monetary Affairs.- The new German system of rent control (Mietpreisbremse) is on the EU radar.Table of Council Real Estate ‘Recommendations’ (Correlated by TEGoVA)Scarica l'allegato 




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