Eurostat “Urban Europe – Statistics on Cities, Towns and Suburbs”

“Urban Europe – Statistics on Cities, Towns and Suburbs”

 Eurostat published this today. Its significance goes beyond research because Commission policy is influenced by the findings in an in-house document like this – as Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Creţu said in a press conference today.See in particular chapter 10 on housing in cities. It has charts or maps on:
  • Distribution of population  by dwelling type and degree of urbanisation
  • Cities with the lowest and highest proportion of houses in their total number of dwellings
  • Dwellings by most common period of construction
  • Areas with lowest and highest proportion of households that own their accommodation
  • Cities with smallest and largest areas of average living space
  • Proportion of one-person households
  • Proportion of lone-parent households
  • Proportion of people who agree that it is easy to find good housing at a reasonable price in their city
  • Proportion of the population having moved dwelling within the previous five years, by degree of urbanisation and type of tenure
  • Regions with the highest proportion of persons aged 30-49 having moved residence within the previous year


Lo Sviluppo Urbano Sostenibile al centro della “Conferenza Internazionale Habitat III” - L’Impegno del Governo Italiano e di FIABCI


Programme and Registration Forms TEGoVA Conference and Meeting Malahide Dublin 20-22 October 2016