Fundamentals of the Valuation of Complex Properties

Date and location

(No. 5), February 3 – 5 (Monday-Wednesday), 2020 , 08:30 – 17:30

at Thai Real Estate Business School


Agarwood plantation in Cambodia | A small commercial airport | An irrigation & electricity generation dam | A green building of USD 300 million | A 5-star hospital in Thailand | A Business Hotel in Brazil | Wholesales fresh market | Valuing a concession of a dolomite mine | A gold mine valuation | Market feasibility study of a new township | Pipeline valuation | A valuation case of pretties | A public park and opportunity costs in Nepal | A resort in Vietnam | A gigantic shopping mall of 4.3 million sq.feet | A rundown shopping centre in Laos | Valuing a slum in Jakarta | A toll road: a valuation case study in Bangkok | Train stations

This course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of the valuation of various complex properties challenging professional valuers around the world. Participants will be able to understand different natures and business models of business related to these properties. Real case studies will briefly be used as examples from actual practices.

February 3, 2020 (Monday)08:30Registration09:00Opening session and introduction09:30A gigantic shopping mall of 4.3 million sq.feet: how to value?10:15Morning refreshment10:30Pipeline valuation, a case of Central Thailand11:15A green building of USD 300 million: how to value?12:00Lunch13:00Valuing a 5-star hospital & Meeting a hospital executive14:30Afternoon refreshment14:45Market feasibility study of a new township15:30Feasibility study for zoo relocation: financial & economic returns16:30End of Day 117:30Welcome dinnerFebruary 4, 2020 (Tuesday)09:00Beauty: a valuation case of pretties & Discussing with a Pretty.10:30Morning refreshment10:45A business hotel: a valuation case study in Brazil11:30A public park and opportunity costs in Nepal12:15Networking lunch13:15A gigantic wholesale fresh market in Thailand14:00A toll road: a valuation case study in Bangkok14:45Afternoon refreshment15:00A resort: a valuation case study in Vietnam15:15Agarwood plantation: a valuation case study in Cambodia16:30End of Day 2February 5, 2020 (Wednesday)​09:00An irrigation & electricity generation dam in Indonesia09:45A rundown shopping centre: a valuation case study in Laos10:30Morning Refreshment10:45A gold mine: a valuation case study in Northern Thailand12:00Networking lunch13:00A small commercial airport for replacement purposes13:45Valuing a slum for redevelopment in Jakarta14:45Afternoon refreshment15:00Train stations: a valuation case study in Thailand16:15Discussion16:30End of the Training & Certificate of Participation18:00Farewell dinner20:00End of the program.

​Our School
Thai Real Estate Business School (TREBS) is a specialized school devoted to the multidisciplinary study of real estate management, valuation, surveying, and property development.  TREBS has its primary objective to enhance the development of efficient management personnel skilled in property valuation and related subjects in the area of real estate in Thailand. TREBS has conducted a number of training courses and seminars such as the well-known four-day training course on property valuation. Factors enabling TREBS to success in conducting these training courses and seminars are the valuation knowledge learn the formal training delivered by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and our rich experience from valuation and research in the field over the last 20 years.

Our Main Instructor: Sopon Pornchokchai, PhD D.FIABCI MRICS
Dr.Sopon has had experience in real estate research and valuation since 1982. He is an experienced valuer and lecturer on valuation at the undergraduate and graduate levels and in training courses in Thailand and abroad. He was a consultant to the ESCAP, UN-Habitat, World Bank and other international organizations. He is currently the President of FIABCI Thailand, the Thai Appraisal Foundation and the Agency for Real Estate Affairs, IAAO representative to Thailand, the Director of Thai Real Estate Business School, and a member of the Global Valuation Forum of the Appraisal Foundation (USA). His research master pieces include the roadmap for valuation profession for Ministry of Finance, Vietnam (2006), the consultancy service to Ministry of Finance, Indonesia (2008), World Bank Indonesia (2010), the consultancy service to Ministry of Finance, Cambodia (2012), UN World Cities (2015) and Global Municipal (2017)

Registration Fee:

  • An early-bird Registration fee is USD 650, within December 15, 2019.

  • Normal fee is USD 750, since December 16, 2019.

  • Onsite fee is USD 800.

Please fill in the registration form and see payment details at our website: This fee includes the cost of lectures, materials, and field transportation, lunches and refreshments during the whole program. It does not include the cost for accommodation and travel arrangements.

Hotel Options:

Course reviews from participants

AP140: Fundamentals of the Valuation of Complex Properties No. 4


Comunicato stampa Seminario “Gli standard di valutazione e il valutatore esperto nella consulenza tecnica”
